Friday, May 1, 2009

Tagged by Jia

Things I Don't Like
1. Liars.
3. those vege they put on chicken rice n steamed fish.
4.PEOPLE MAKIN ASSUMPTIONS. They jus assume and dunno wat happened.
5.Being called 'btf' by nav n the gang (don't ask wat does it mean)
6.lectured or counseled by Ps. Mike (makes me speechless) day.
Things I Like
1. Blue colour
2. DOTA!!
3. bass
4. drum
5. sports counted? oso counted?

Fax about me
1. Haven't reveal his full potential.
2.sporty fella.
3. always use the word fella.
4. Interested in psychology. DOTA.
6. "Seek first the kingdom of God and everything else shall be added unto u"

Random People I Tag

1. Jia
2.Ps Mike
3. Nav
4. TC
5. Sue

Hey monday - Homecoming


yishu ♥ said...

Things I Don't Like
1. Onion. Ginger. Vinegar. Pineapple. Strawberry. Garlic. Tomato. bitterness & sourness.
2. Controlled & Stigmatized.
3. make decisions for me without my authorization
4. display one's slight skill before an expert
5. Hypocritical - friendly in front of me but talk behind my back
6. spoiled Missy
7. people who speak without a brain
8. sweating

Things I Like
1. Cosmetics
2. Photography
3. listen to adult chat
4. being alone *sometimes*
5. Reading & Movies
6. drag racing XD *maximum speed only 120km/h*

Fax about me
1. usually two years younger than the true age
2. always shorter than the others
3. am very independent only child
4. emotions are straight on my face
5. stubborn Taurus baby
6. afraid of Hell & Dark & Hard Lenses & Lonely

yishu ♥ said...

Owh. should be "usually LOOK two years younger than the true age"